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University of Cambridge
Research Ethics Approval Form
If you are undertaking a research project you are required to complete this form. Doing so will help you identify the aims and methods of your research, and any potential ethical implications in your research. This will be a useful starting point for a discussion with your Supervisor about how to handle such issues or, where possible, avoid them (e.g. by using a different method).

If your research project involves the collection of primary data (e.g. interview, ethnographic observation, experiment) all questions must be answered and you will be asked to provide a copy of your Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form.

For information on academic research involving personal data, and to help you to determine if you are collecting personal data, please see the University’s webpages on Research Integrity.

If your research project does not involve the collection of primary data, you only need to answer questions in Part A.

The self-checklist in the first part of the form can help you assess the risk level of your research project with guidelines provided on where to seek ethical review in the first instance.

This form will be reviewed by ICE’s Research Ethics Committee (REC). If you have any queries or require help completing the form please contact your Supervisor.

This form and any supporting evidence will be treated confidentially within ICE. The form will only be viewed by those necessary to consider your request and support you in the process.

The information you supply on this form will be used solely for these specific purposes. Further details about our general uses of your personal information, and your rights under data protection legislation, are available at
University of Cambridge
Most research under the Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care will require National Research Ethics Service (NRES) ethical review. Please submit your Research Ethics Request Form to ICE Research Ethics Committee (REC) for initial advice. You may also need to contact the Clinical School Governance Team for further advice by completing the Health Research Authority (HRA) Research Toolkit.

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University of Cambridge

Most research under the Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care will require National Research Ethics Service (NRES) ethical review. Please submit your Research Ethics Request Form to ICE Research Ethics Committee (REC) for initial advice. You may also need to contact the Clinical School Governance Team for further advice by completing the Health Research Authority (HRA) Research Toolkit.

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University of Cambridge

Human tissues from NHS patients require NRES ethics approval. In all other cases research using human tissues is subject to the Human Tissues Act 2004. Some exceptions exist (e.g. anonymised donated samples from the National Blood Service). If you are storing tissue in a facility that is not covered by the University’s Human Tissue licence, you must either seek NRES approval or register the new facilities under the Act.

Please submit your research ethics request form to ICE Research Ethics Committee (REC) for initial advice.
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University of Cambridge

The Animals Scientific Procedures Act 1986 (As Amended 2012) regulates any experimental, or other scientific procedure applied to any vertebrate other than man.
You may contact the Named Animal Care Welfare Officer in the animal unit in which you wish to work. In the case of Clinical Veterinary Research, the Veterinary Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the University of Cambridge will consider these applications and will advise the University Establishment Licence Holder.

Please submit your research ethics request form to ICE Research Ethics Committee (REC) for initial advice.
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University of Cambridge

Please submit your research ethics request form to ICE Research Ethics Committee (REC).

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University of Cambridge

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Your project is probably at low risk. for confirmation or advice, please submit your research ethics request form to ICE Research Ethics Committee (REC).

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University of Cambridge

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University of Cambridge

  • Use of data which has not been anonymised (including any record showing date of birth)
  • Use of anonymised data which could be combined with other data (e.g. tracking of an identifiable location or behaviour), causing subjects to be identifiable
  • Research of data whose outcome has implications for an identifiable class of people e.g.
    - genealogy of war criminals
    - estimating genetic potential for disease in an identifiable class of living people
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Your project is probably at low risk. For confirmation or advice, please submit your research ethics request form to ICE Research Ethics Committee (REC).

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University of Cambridge

1. Participants at risk
  • Vulnerable people (e.g. children, older people
  • “Dependent” subjects / people less able to refuse consent (e.g. researcher’s students)
  • Adult refugees
  • Adult prisoners
  • Subjects involved in illegal acts
  • “Gate-keeper” communities (where authority is required to conduct the study – e.g. school, residential care, prison)
  • Study of individuals without their prior knowledge and consent
2. Data collection methods
  • Scans (e.g. MRI), recordings (audio or visual), or other non-invasive tests (e.g. physiological assessment, pain induction including traumatic memory)
  • Potential to cause pain, discomfort, harm to subject
  • Deception of subject
  • May expose subject to a risk of legal or disciplinary action
  • Financial inducements
  • Use of drugs, placebos, foods
  • Sensitive topics (e.g. sex, drugs, abuse, sexuality)
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University of Cambridge

Please submit your research ethics request form to ICE Research Ethics Committee (REC).

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Please submit your research ethics request form to ICE Research Ethics Committee (REC).

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University of Cambridge
Checklist Risk Level Result
Thanks for completing the initial checklist questions, your risk level result is shown below.

Part A: Your Details

Please start typing to select your course.

Please start typing to select the academic year.

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University of Cambridge
Part B

Include information about: Procedures that for some people could be physically stressful or might impinge on their safety; Procedures that for some people could be psychologically stressful; Are there any other types of personal data that are planned or likely to be collected?

Consent Guidance
There are subject specific rules for informed consent e.g. for education studies the research guidelines to follow would be from BERA ( If you are unsure which subject specific guidance to follow please discuss with your Supervisor.
Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form
Please upload a completed copy of the Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form

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University of Cambridge


What happens next:

Your form will be sent to the Research Ethics Committee for approval. The Committee will make a decision as soon as possible and you will be informed of their decision. If any concerns are raised you will be asked to respond to these by emailing to the Quality Assurance Team at, or with an amended application form and supporting documents, if necessary.

Once approval has been granted, an email from Quality Governance <> will be sent to you and your Supervisor. No research may commence without the ethical approval of the ICE REC.

Once submitted, if you require any changes to your application you will need to resubmit a new application.