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University of Cambridge
Intermission Request Form
In cases of particular and unforeseen difficulty, such as serious illness - your own or that of a family member - or an unexpected change in personal circumstances, you may request to intermit, i.e. to return at a later date to complete your studies.

If circumstances arise which cause you to consider intermitting from your course, you are advised to discuss them first with your Course Director and/or Academic Director who may be able to offer you guidance and support. You may also wish to discuss this with the Student Support Team at  For full details of ICE's intermission policy please see the current Student Handbook.

To request an intermission you should complete this form and provide time-relevant documentary evidence. If you are studying for more than one course at the Institute then please complete a form for each course you are enrolled on and intermitting from..

Applications to intermit will be reviewed by the Quality Assurance Team and the decision will be communicated to you via your Course Administration Team.


This form and any supporting evidence will be treated confidentially within ICE. The form will only be viewed by those necessary to consider your request and support you in the process.

The information you supply on this form will be used solely for these specific purposes. Further details about our general uses of your personal information, and your rights under data protection legislation are available at
Part 1: Your details

Please start typing to narrow down the options to then select course.

The course code will be listed in any emails related to your course - and can also be found on your student home page. It will look something like this: 2223CCR055

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Part 2: Reason for intermission request

(e.g.) serious illness - your own or close family member, or an unexpected change in personal circumstances.) ** 1000 characters max**

** 1000 characters max **

**1000 characters max**
Please email supporting evidence to, or alternatively, post it to  Quality Governance Team at ICE, Madingley Hall, Madingley, Cambridge, CB23 8AQ. (Please ensure any confidential documents are sealed or labeled separately).

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Terms and conditions of intermission
Intermitting students are required to accept the terms and conditions below:
  • You will normally be required to return to your studies at the equivalent point to which you left. Applications to intermit can be backdated by one calendar month or to the start of the current unit of teaching, whichever is longer.
  •  If you have received permission to intermit, you will be expected to restart your studies at the next presentation of the course which is normally one academic year later but may be less frequent. Please contact your Course Director or Course Administration team for details on when courses will run. 
  • You would not normally be permitted to intermit from a programme more than twice, and this would be in exceptional circumstances only.

  • If you are granted an intermission, your course fee payments will be suspended and resumed when you return to your studies. If you have paid your course fees in full, ICE will retain the fees until you return to study, or you can request a refund for the units you have not studied and payment will be resumed on your return. For this purpose any requested refund of fees for units not studied will be deemed to be those for which no teaching has been received. Teaching includes access to the Unit VLE or attendance at teaching sessions. Payments will be due one month prior to your re-enrolment on the VLE course space.

  • When you return from a period of intermission you may be required to pay any difference in the course fees at the time of your return.

  • ICE is committed to making every effort to enable you to complete your studies and we will discuss study options with you before you are due to return. However we cannot guarantee that courses will be identical in content, repeated in the same format, or necessarily run again. 

  • You will need to contact your Course Administration team to confirm your return to the course at least two months prior to your scheduled return and to request information regarding the payment of any difference in fees. 

  • Before you return to study you will be offered a meeting with your Course Director who will be able to offer you pastoral support.

  • You will be subject to the ICE policies and procedures active at the time of your return.

During intermission your access to the VLE for the unit(s) you have completed will be reduced to a read-only status and access to the unit(s) from which you are intermitting will be suspended until your return.

If you are not in a position to return to study at the scheduled return date you may apply for a second intermission, however, a second intermission is rare and would only be granted in exceptional circumstances and on provision of relevant evidence. Should you be unable to return to your studies within a 36 month period you will be withdrawn from the course.

Applications to intermit following the end of the academic year will not be considered unless truly exceptional circumstances apply that will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Apprentices seeking a pause in their learning will need to follow the Break in Learning policy outlined in their apprenticeship documentation.